Production Management: Film, Photography and Digital

Nicola Petrides

Production, Marketing and Project Management

For all projects and production management inquiries, or to request a CV please contact me.

Aussie horror ‘Bounce’ shot in Melbourne

Returning to fiction film production has been one of the main goals of 2018, and if Aussie horror ‘Bounce‘ is anything to go by, producer Nicola and director Saxon are on to something BIG.

Private screenings in LA and Melbourne have had audience squirm, gasp, stare in disbelief, laugh out loud and burst into spontaneous and raucous applause at the short starring Jessica Miller, Luke Saville and Jack Sullivan as teenagers hunted down by a mysterious monster in the all-Australian bush.

“That was phenomenal, where the hell did you get the idea?” Gez, who attended the Melbourne based screening shares with the crowd, whilst feedback from LA’s screening organiser confirmed the audience went “CRAZY for Bounce. People laughed and clapped and then there was the amazing payoff”.

Bounce will be submitted to festivals worldwide including planned premieres at Tropfest 2019.

RaD booked for epic Sri Lanka adventure shoot

Hardly off the latest international mission for travel & adventure brand Intro Travel, the RaD team are commissioned for a new production in Sri Lanka.

“Dodging thunderstorms atop Pidurangala Rock, tracking down wild elephants, exploring hidden waterfalls and eating the most incredible food – this is what we love to capture”, explains director Saxon, who with producer Nicola headed the 10 strong team exploring Sri Lanka’s most photogenic spots. “We can’t wait to get our teeth into this monster edit!”

We are awe-struck. Everyone here in the office absolutely loves it!!! You’ve done an incredible job across the whole piece! The footage is wonderful, and the elements and overall feel of the edit are a really great fit.

Trent Ford & Bryce Collins, General Manager & Brand Manager, Intro Travel

Exploring Melbourne’s hidden secrets

Voted the world’s most liveable city 6 years in a row is no easy feat – but the Destination Melbourne crew know exactly why as they and RaD team explore the cities secret highlights and capture them throughout the year.

“It’s great to get under the skin of this city,” explains director Saxon, “and with so many different things to film and six seasons to chose from thanks to Australia’s crazy climate, there’s never a dull moment.”

Incredible Thailand with Intro Travel